Undocu-Theorizations Conference

The Undocu-Grad Student Collective and (Un)docu Studies (CRES 70u) at The University of California, Santa Cruz, with support from the Undocumented Student Services office, the Latin American and Latino Studies Department, and the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas are honored to collaborate and host the first UC
Undocu-Theorizations Conference
April 26th & 27th, 2024. 

This conference seeks to unearth the diverse ideas and different ways of knowing arising in the field(s) of (Un)documented Studies and Undocu-Theory. It also looks to explore the multi/inter/un-disciplinary approaches, methods, and ways of knowing that constitute the field, both within and beyond the academic sphere.

We welcome submissions from undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, and community members in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts for presentations highlighting the diverse projects developed by and for undocumented people. While we welcome all submissions, we will prioritize the work of undocumented/formerly undocumented/mixed-status scholars. 

Proposals might address, but are not limited to, the following themes: 

  • Intersecting Identities i.e. UndocuQueer, UndocuBlack, UndocuAsian, etc. 
  • Immigration, border and deportation studies 
  • Undocu-sensitive pedagogies 
  • Undocumented placemaking, spatialities, and geographies 
  • Community activism, art, and art activism in undocumented communities 


To submit your proposal, please upload a 500-word abstract and/or project proposal where you briefly describe how your project theorizes or advances theorizations around “undocumentedness,” and a brief biographical statement to this Google form. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2024. Selected participants will be notified by February 29, 2024. 


If you will not be presenting but would like to attend the conference, please RSVP here.

For more information or questions about accessibility, please contact the organizers, Juan Ruiz at jruizcor@ucsc.edu, Debbie Duarte at dmduarte@ucsc.edu, or Raul Meneses at rmenese1@ucsc.edu.