Bridge Program Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the EOP Bridge First Year Experience Program?
- How can I apply to the Bridge Program?
- What other factors will affect my eligibility to be a part of the Bridge Program?
- What if I am NOT selected to participate in Bridge?
- How long is the Bridge Program and when will it take place?
- Where will I live during Bridge Academy? Do I have to pay for my own housing?
- What happens during Bridge Academy?
- If students have questions related to the Bridge Program, who can I contact?
1. What is the EOP Bridge First Year Experience Program?
The main goal of the EOP Bridge First Year Experience Program is to deepen and personalize the UCSC experience. Some of you may be the first in your family to attend a university; therefore, Bridge can provide the support you may need to make a smooth transition into life at UCSC. Adjusting to the academic rigors and social challenges of campus life can be demanding; however, by participating in Bridge you will have the opportunity to work alongside committed staff as well as peer mentors, who will guide you through your first-year experience and set you up for success.
2. How can I apply to the Bridge Program?
Unfortunately, due to limited capacity, the Bridge Program does not have an open application
process; however, a select group of EOP frosh will be sent an email invitation to apply.
Students will be invited via email by the third week in May. The EOP Bridge program will evaluate applications and finalize the cohort by the end of June. Additional criteria used: family income, SAT/ACT scores, and High School GPA.
3. What if I am NOT selected to participate in Bridge?
If not selected, we encourage you to take a writing course and/or math course over the summer at your local community college as preparation for your first year at UCSC. You are required to take a writing core course during your first quarter at UCSC. By taking a writing course over the summer at a community college, you will be introduced to university writing; this will ease your transition into university-level writing and prepare you for success in your UCSC core course. University writing and math are much more challenging than high school writing and math.
Additionally, we encourage you to visit an EOP counselor at the beginning of the school year. EOP students receive the same services as Bridge students.4. How long is the Bridge Program and when will it take place?
If selected to participate in the Bridge Program, you will be required to attend various virtual workshops throughout the summer. Bridge Welcome and Orientation will take place starting on July 17 - 19, 2022. You will have an opportunity to meet with your Academic Counselor as well as your Bridge Mentor, we will work with you to select classes for your Fall 2022 schedule. There will also be a pre-fall component called the EOP Bridge Academy that will take place from September 2 , 2022 - September 16, 2022. Here you will have the opportunity to meet with campus faculty and participate in workshops that will set you up for success for your first quarter.
Following the Bridge Academy will commence the year-long Bridge Program (September 2022 - June 2023)
5. Where will I live during Bridge Academy? Do I have to pay for my own housing?
When you arrive in September, you will move into your permanent housing first (the college you
are affiliated with and the dorm you will live in for your first year. You will receive an email from
your college letting you know where you will be housed for the academic year. Once you are all
set up in your dorm, we will be convening to provide an overview of the program. There will be a mentor located at your college to support you with the move in process and to answer any questions you may have. EOP covers your room and board for Bridge Academy so there is no cost to you.
6. What happens during Bridge Academy?
Bridge Academy will include: An intensive university writing preparation course, mathematics review and placement, academic success workshops, an introduction to pertinent campus resources, team- and community-building opportunities, tours of UCSC, introduction to EOP staff and student staff, and the opportunity to build life-long relationships with other Bridge participants.
7. If students have questions related to the Bridge Program, who can I contact?
Email the Bridge Team at or call (831) 459-3200.